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Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Sildenafil | Prescription : Not Required

Fildena is considered the best solution for treating the problem of male impotency or erectile dysfunction. This medicine is FDA approved and efficiently treats erectile dysfunction without making you addicted to it.

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In the modern day, erectile dysfunction is quite common among many men from across the globe. Erectile dysfunction or impotency is a condition in which their an inability to maintain an erection for a long time. These can be caused due to varied factors such as stress, anxiety, and many other underlying diseases. The fildena xxx is one of the best options for treating the ED in males.

What Is Fildena?

Normally, the fildena super active is a complete soft gel capsule having the active drug called as Sildenafil Citrate. These are quite useful treatments for men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

The Capsule is an ideal medicine in such a situation for increasing the blood supply for the erection. Choosing this prescription medicine is one of the spectacular options for treating impotence in men.

Many people like to know ‘what is fildena’ as this work to increase the blood flow in the penis. It is helpful for men to get or even maintain an erection within a short time.

The sildenafil citrate double 200mg belongs to the group of medicines called the phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors. The medicine involves Sildenafil Citrate as an active ingredient, which is useful for treating pulmonary arterial hypertension as well as erectile dysfunction.


People who are suffering from impotency or ED can opt for this medicine with Sildenafil Citrate so it provides better results. There are no side effects in taking these medicines, and assured in providing the best results.

Impotency is the condition in which the adult male cannot maintain an erection. Males with erectile dysfunction can easily take this Sildenafil Citrate enabled medicine.

If you would like to know fildena extra power 150 mg what is it used for then these are powerful for maintaining an erection in males. The medicine is suitable for easily enhancing the blood flow in the penis region through erectile tissue on a member virile. These results in the inadequate blood supply to the penis also induce erectile dysfunction.

Do you like to know how long does sildenafil citrate lasts? Taking this soft gel capsule for about 30 minutes before sexual activity is helpful.

These would last for more than 5 to 6 hours and assured in improving the erection. These are also effective options for treating pulmonary hypertension in the body. Doctors would be suggesting the right dosage based on the severity of the health condition.

How Does It Work?

Normally, fildena 200mg comes under the Class of PDE5 inhibitors, which include the Sildenafil Citrate. PDE-5 Phosphodiesterase is an essential component of the medicines. It will automatically relax the muscle surrounding penile blood vessels in the male.

These are helpful for curing erectile dysfunction by extensively boosting the blood flow in the penis.

It also reduces higher blood pressure arteries in the lungs and also reduces pulmonary hypertension.

The soft gel capsule is the best option for easily improving blood flow, even without any hassle. Many Researchers have used high doses, such as 200 mg, to treat severe erectile dysfunction.

Research is needed on the safety of high dosages. High-dose Sildenafil would improve erectile dysfunction, so it is essential to take the exact dose prescribed by the doctor.

How To Use This Medication?

Before starting your super fildena medicine, consult your doctor on the dosage and duration of taking the medicine. These are available in the form of gelatin capsules. This capsule needs to be taken 20 to 30 minutes with a glass of water before sexual activity.

The suggested dosage for medicine will be 1 capsule per day. Do not take more than 1 capsule per day, as overdosage can create severe side effects. Do not crush, chew or break the capsule for the dosage.

Ensure that you have a 24-hour gap between each dosage to get the full effect of the medicine. It is best to take the medicine according to the doctor’s prescription and advice.

Doctors would be monitoring certain health issues when taking this drug.

Blood tests are carried out to help the doctor check the function of the liver and kidney.

When the kidney or liver is not working properly, the doctor could decrease dosage or even stop treatment.

Oral Tablet:

Before using this medication, it is essential to talk to your doctor about taking more than your body needs. Generic drug are available in varied strengths, and some of them are

      • 100 mg
      • 120 mg
      • 150 mg
      • 50 mg
      • xxx 100 mg

Doctors would be analyzing the health condition and severity of the medicine before giving it to the patients.

Missed Dose:

If you have missed the sildenafil 120 mg dosage, then you need to take it immediately as soon as you remember it.  Skipping the dosage does not help to treat the ED well enough and it could cause more health issues. When it is time for the next dosage, skip the missed dose and continue with the regular schedule.


Overdosing of PDE5 inhibitors could result in serious side effects in the body. Double dosing could lead to headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and others. If you have overdosed, then you need to consult a doctor or medical health centre immediately.


    • Skin Reactions Warning:

The soft gel capsule could cause rash, redness, and even acne. Talk to a doctor when you develop severe skin reactions like blistering or even peeling.

    • Liver Problems Warning:

For some patients, Sildenafil Citrate could worsen liver problems during the treatments. Talk to your doctor when you are having symptoms of liver problems. It includes the yellowing of the skin.

    • Diarrhea Warning:

Patients taking this medicine could have diarrhea or nausea. Severe diarrhea could cause dehydration or low fluid levels in the body. You need to talk to your doctor when you have these side effects. The doctor could give the medication to treat diarrhea.

    • Pregnancy:

Women need to avoid taking these ED capsules as these are meant to treat the ED in men. This generic drug has the ability to harm the fetus of a pregnant woman. Talk to your doctor immediately when you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Use effective birth control when you are under treatment.

    • For Children:

This medication has not been studied in children, so avoid using on children below 18 years of age. This generic drug treats the ED in adults above 18 years of age.

Whether you like to know where to buy sildenafil online, then you have a wonderful way to save your money in Heal Pharmacy.  Painful erections lasting more than 4 hours and these can also create physical deformity of the penis in men.

Please consult your doctor or emergency medical facility immediately when you are suffering from these health conditions.

Talk to your doctor before undergoing any kind of dental procedures or other operations for the illness.

Consult the doctor for getting the dose modification or therapy for any sick conditions or even consequences.

Inform the doctor when you are taking medications or any conditions such as Sildenafil Citrate interacting with this medicine.

Store the soft gel capsule between 15 and 30 Degrees Celsius in the room-temperature setting. It is best to check the expiration dates of medications even before consuming them. Dispose of the expired or unused medicine as directed on the label.

Where To Buy?

Whether you are looking to know ‘where to find fildena’ then choosing the Heal Pharmacy is one of the best options. These soft gel capsules are prescription-based, so it is essential to consult a doctor before taking the medicine. The Heal Pharmacy is the finest way to find where to buy sildenafil online, along with saving your money even without any hassle.

Side Effects:

Despite massive advantages, the Sildenafil Citrate drug has adverse side effects such as

      • Blurred vision
      • Diarrhea
      • Dizziness
      • Burning sensation while urinating

Drug Interactions:

Sildenafil Citrate capsule can also interact with many other medications, herbs or vitamins. This interaction is harmful to the body. Before taking any medication, it is always advised to get advice. Some of the drug interactions are

      • Medicines containing Nitrates
      • Warfarin
      • Aspirin (Acetyl Salicylic Acid)
      • Alpha-adrenergic blocking agents like Doxazosin
      • HIV protease inhibitors such as Saquinavir and Ritonavir
      • CYP3A4 inhibitors such as Ketoconazole, Erythromycin, and Cimetidine
      • Riociguat


In conclusion, This Sildenafil Citrate is special in giving a hard erection that maintains long-lasting. The sildenafil citrate will increase the width of the blood vessels in the penile area. It is useful for getting improved blood flow, then proper erection will occur for men.


What Is The Purpose Of Sildenafil Citrate?

Sildenafil is suitable for treating erectile dysfunction in males. These come under the class of drugs known as Phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. These soft gel capsules help Phosphodiesterase Type-5 enzymes to reduce function.

What Happens When I Take Sildenafil Citrate?

Erectile dysfunction treatment involves sexual stimulation to increase blood flow to the penis. It would automatically relax blood arteries in the lungs to promote smooth blood flow. These also aid in treating PAH.

How Long Does This Medicine Last?

If you’ve been prescribed fildena 120 mg, you can rest assured that the effects of the medication last around 5 to 6 hours. These do not involve with one-size-fits-all solution to erectile dysfunction.

How Should I Take This Gelatin Capsule For The Most Significant Outcomes?

Take 1 pill with a glass of water. Please avoid taking the grapefruit. Take the medicine on an empty stomach when you have the ED.

Is Sildenafil Citrate As Good As Viagra?

There is a Minor difference in packaging and pill appearance between Viagra and its generic counterpart. Both medications provide noticeable improvements in erection or sexual performance.

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