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Manufacturer : Generic | Active substance : Metronidazole | Prescription : Not Required

Metronidazole belongs to a family of antibiotics called nitroimidazoles. It is used to treat bacterial infections

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What Is Flagyl?

Flagyl is the ultimate antibiotic useful for treating bacterial infections in the stomach, liver, vagina, and more. The medicine is also suitable for treating Trichomoniasis which is a sexually transmitted disease. Before taking medicine, it is essential to know how long for flagyl to work. The dosage for the patients would be different from each other.

Antibiotic medicine works on treating the skin, joints, brain, spinal cord and even heart. Normally, the medicine works to fight the infection in the body. These infections could be caused by the parasites and bacteria. Antibiotic medicine is also useful for treating infections of the lungs and bones. Visit the Heal Pharmacy website and Order your Flagyl medicine today.

Normally, doctors also prescribe the medicine to prevent the infection after the surgery. These are also useful for treating dental infections, pressure sores and leg ulcers.

Take the medicine after the food, and it needs to be taken every day based on the prescription of a doctor. Normally, the symptoms may get better after a short time, but you must not stop taking the medicine until you have finished the full course of treatment. You can also choose to buy flagyl online in the heal pharmacy to get quick delivery of the medicine.


    • For Treating The Bacterial Infections:

Taking this antibiotic medicine is useful for treating various infections that are caused by the bacteria. It includes the infections of blood, brain, joints, urinary tract, and bones.

Metronidazole is the generic name, and it is perfect for treating gum ulcers as well as infections in the stomach and intestines. The medicine also works with treating dental infections or abscesses, pressure sores and leg ulcers.

Antibiotic medicine perfectly stops the growth of bacteria causing the infection. These Metronidazoledefinitely make you feel better quite quickly. It is essential to continue taking the medicine as long as it is prescribed. Consult your doctor to know how much is flagyl without insurance.

    • For Treating The Parasitic Infections:

Taking this antibiotic medicine helps to treat parasitic infections like amoebic dysentery and many more. The medicine works with easily stopping the growth of the parasite causing infections. Flagyl: Get it from our Reputed Online Heal Pharmacy.

If you would like to know ‘why do doctors prescribe cipro and flagyl together’ then these could be treating UTIs and chest infections. Metronidazole makes you feel better, and it is important to take the medicine continually based on dosage.

These are prescribed to make you better and reduce the effect of parasites in the body. The medicine is safe to use when pregnant or breastfeeding. Please consult the doctor before taking the medicine.

How Does It Work?

Flagyl is an antibiotic that works on killing bacteria as well as other microorganisms causing infection. These infections could be damaging the DNA causing more infection in the body. Antibiotics are quite effective against anaerobic bacteria as well as certain parasites.

Normally, the anaerobic bacteria will be single-celled living organisms. These also thrive with little oxygen or anaerobic environments. These Anaerobic bacteria highly cause various diseases in the abdomen such as bacterial peritonitis.

Anaerobic bacteria also cause liver abscesses and abscesses of the ovaries as well as Fallopian tubes. Apart from these, the Giardia lamblia and Ameba are intestinal parasites that could be causing abdominal pain as well as diarrhea.

Vaginal parasite such as Trichomonas also causes inflammation in the vagina or vaginitis. Most people like to know, “does flagyl treat chlamydia?” as these medicines are powerful antibiotics.

The medicines especially block some of the functions selectively within bacterial cells and parasites. These would be causing the death of bacteria and parasites.

How To Use This Medication?

Take the Metronidazole medicine in the exact dose and duration prescribed by the doctor. You need to swallow the antibiotic medicine as a whole. You must not chew, break or even crush the Tablet. The antibiotic medicine needs to be taken with food. Order Flagyl from Heal Pharmacy and get it delivered to your doorstep.

Follow the medicine directions given to you by your doctor carefully. The dosage could be varied from one patient to another based on the health condition. When you cannot understand the instructions on the label, then you can ask the doctor or pharmacist for help.

Normally, the doctor will decide the right dose for you, as the dosage could vary. Many people like to know, “why does flagyl taste so bad?” Normally, the medicine has a metallic taste, so you can have sugar-free candy after taking the medicine.

Follow the instructions provided when the medicine was prescribed, such as the number of days it should be taken. For treating bacterial infections, antibiotic medicine is usually taken for 7 days.

Your doctor may decide to reduce or even extend the treatment. Sometimes, the doctor would also recommend suppositories for a short time after surgery. It can be replaced with oral tablets to reduce the painful effect.

Swallow the tablets whole with a glass of water, preferably after a meal. It helps to reduce the possibility of the stomach upset. You can buy Flagyl from Online Heal Pharmacy.

Before taking medicine, it is essential to find how fast does flagyl work in your system. The effectiveness of medicine varies from one person to another based on infection level, age factor and health condition.

Oral Tablet:

Antibiotic medicine is available in various forms, which are listed as

    • Tablets: 250 and 500 mg
    • Tablets, extended-release: 750 mg
    • Lotion: 0.75%.
    • Cream: 0.75% and 1%
    • Capsule: 375 mg
    • Gel: 0.75% and 1%
    • Injection: 5 mg/ml

Missed Dose:

If you have missed a dose, then you need to Take Metronidazole medicine as soon as you remember it. When it is time for your next dose you need to skip the missed dose. You must not be taking double doses as it can cause side effects in the body. Visit the Heal Pharmacy website and Order your Flagyl medicine today.


If you have taken a double dose, then you could have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, tingling, or numbness. Please consult a doctor or emergency medical attention immediately.


Before taking the medicine, it is important to know about the precautions and warnings involved in antibiotic medicines. Flagyl: Get it from our Reputed Online Heal Pharmacy.

    • Alcohol:

Consuming alcohol and taking antibiotic medicine may cause flushing or increased heartbeat. When you like to know ‘what happens if you drink alcohol while taking flagyl’, then it could be causing low blood pressure, nausea, chest pain and thirst. Please avoid drinking alcohol while taking the medicine.

    • Pregnancy:

Metronidazole Antibiotic medicine is safer when prescribed by a doctor when you are pregnant. Animal studies do not show any adverse effects on developing babies but there are only limited studies. Please consult your doctor before taking the medicine.

    • Breastfeeding:

Use the antibiotic medicine with extreme caution when you are breastfeeding. Normally, breastfeeding could be held until the treatment of the mother is completed or the medicine can be eliminated from the body. Consult your doctor before taking the medicine when you are breastfeeding.

    • Driving:

Antibiotic medicine could cause side effects such as sleep, dizziness, or confusion, so it could affect your ability to drive. Do not take the medicine when you are planning to drive.

    • Kidney:

Antibiotic medicine is safe to use in patients having kidney disease. Do not overdose on the medicine without consulting your doctor. Take the medicine after dialysis treatment after undergoing kidney dialysis.

    • Liver:

Antibiotic medicine needs to be used with caution in patients the liver disease. The doctor would make the dose adjustment if needed. Please consult your doctor.

Where to Buy?

Whether you are looking forward to buy flagyl online then you can look no further than heal pharmacy. Get the complete list of medicines delivered at the exact date and time mentioned. Order Flagyl from Heal Pharmacy and get it delivered to your doorstep.

Side Effects:

Most side effects of Flagyl and Cipro do not require medical attention as these could disappear as your body adjusts to antibiotic medicine. You need to consult your doctor if the side effects persist. Below are some of the common side effects of the medicine

    • Headache
    • Dryness in mouth
    • Nausea
    • Dizziness

Drug Interactions:

Drug interactions of antibiotic medicine could be causing more side effects in the body. Please talk to a doctor if you are already taking any other medicine or having other diseases. You must not start, stop, or even adjust the dosage of medicines without the approval of a doctor. Some of the drug-to-drug interactions are

    • Disulfiram
    • Acenocoumarol
    • Phenobarbitone
    • Warfarin


Flagyl is an antibiotic medicine that kills the bacteria and other microorganisms causing infections. Take this medicine in the dose and duration based on the prescription of the doctor. You need to swallow the medicine as a whole. Do not chew the tablet as it could help to reduce the possibility of stomach upset. Before using this antibiotic medicine, you need to inform your doctor.


Why Am I Using Metronidazole?

Metronidazole is the active ingredient, and it belongs to a group of medicines called Nitroimidazoles. These are used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria and other organisms. You can buy Flagyl from Online Heal Pharmacy.

What Should I Know Before I Use Antibiotic Medicine?

Do not use antibiotic medicine if you are allergic to metronidazole or nitroimidazoles. Check the ingredients of the medicine to make sure you can use is prescribed dose. Talk to a doctor if you have disease of the brain, spinal cord or nerves.

What If I Am Taking Other Medicines?

Talk to your doctor if you are taking any other medicines such as vitamins or supplements, psychotropic medicines, certain antibiotics, carmustine, cyclophosphamide monohydrate, phenytoin, 5-fluorouracil warfarin or Antabuse.

Can I Consume Alcohol While Taking The Antibiotic Medicine?

Many people like to know “why can’t you drink on flagyl”. Normally, these antibiotic medicines cause drowsiness, low blood pressure, nausea, chest pain and thirst.

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